Friday 3 October 2008

When Is Back Pain , Not Back Pain?

Donkey lying down

Just a word to the wise...

If you start with back pain and you do not know what is causing it do go check it out with your doctor first.

Back pain may be just that; back pain. Pain in your lower, mid or upper back. It may have come on suddenly -you did something and your back "went out" or gradually where you have been getting twinges and achiness for some time. Back pain can just creep up on you.

Your back pain may be caused by any number of root causes/conditions including muscle imbalances, a strained back through improper lifting or with weak muscles, herniated or "slipped" disc(which may have its root in muscle imbalances), spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis or many other things.

Back pain may also be a symptom of kidney problems or cystitis to name a few. Best to rule out those things which do require immediate medical attention and know what you are dealing with.

For symptoms you must not ignore and must see a doctor about urgently and act upon quickly please see RED FLAGS AND BACK PAIN. You cannot afford not to know these warning signs.

If you do get back pain and you are also experiencing pain in your side, increased urgent urination, pain or burning upon urination you may have cystitis or if it progresses without treatment, kidney problems. You would need to have any symptoms diagnosed properly by a medical professional along with treatment and to learn more about its prevention and ways to cope with it.

If you do have back pain or sciatic pain, a pinched nerve, lower back pain or other related back issues then do take a look at the blog post  "A Personal Review Of Lose The Back Pain" which is my experiences of a back pain relief system which worked for me when everything else I had tried failed to give relief or gave only temporary relief from back and sciatic pain.

Just make sure you know what you are dealing with before you plan your course of action. 

Be specific with your doctor
  • When did the pain start? How it came on-was it sudden or gradual?
  • Was it linked to any activity?
  • Where is the pain?
  • Is the pain sharp, achey, dull?
  • Is the pain all the time or intermittent? 
  • Do you have any other symptoms such as weight loss, bleeding, rash, increased urination, painful urination, nausea etc? 

Get as much information as you can so that you are in control of your plan of action and treatment options.

Take good care of YOU

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.


Willow said...

If you have had back pain for a long time and you are not finding pain-killers helpful then you may like to try seriously cutting down on salt and salty food. This reduces many kinds of chronic pain and is especially helpful for chronic back pain, especially when it is at its worst when you are lying down in bed. - Drug-free and cost-free and completely safe and with many other health benefits, like lowering high blood pressure, cutting down on salt is worth a try...(o:

Good luck!

jasmine ann said...

HI Willow, thankyou for your very interesting comment. That would be a useful thing to consider. I personally do not add salt to any food I eat though I am aware there can be a lot of salt in foods we may eat espec if processed. Thank you for sharing that with us, I think it will be helpful.