
Wednesday 28 October 2015

Depression, Back Pain Studies and Stress Reduction Help.

Depression, Stress and Help - Views and studies about depression

Bare branches tree with winter sky

Here are some studies about back pain and depression. Does back pain cause depression or does depression link to back pain? Is there a clear link between the two conditions? 


  • Depression and chronic back pain
    This article from Spine-health discusses that depression is by far the most common emotion associated with chronic back pain.It recognizes that chronic pain and depression are two of the most common health problems health professionals come across.

  • Diagnosis of depression and chronic back pain
    This article in spine -health discusses that depression is a commonly missed diagnosis for people with chronic back pain.In the articles opinion this is because the person with chronic back pain does not realise they are suffering from depression 

  • Depression causes back pain?
    A study from the University of Alberta shows that while it is well known that physical pain can lead to depression,the reverse can be true as well.Dr. Linda Carroll, a professor in the U of A Department of Public Health Sciences, led the study 

Now enjoy a relaxing experience. - Watch and listen to this video to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Enjoy these relaxing scenes and music to reduce stress. Beautiful relaxing music and scenes to induce a feeling of relaxation in your day.

God Grant Me The Serenity....

Serenity verse.

I love this little verse that I keep close by...
The lovely verse helped me through tough times of dealing with the stress and worry of sciatic pain.

Pink Blossoms And Serenity Verse Greeting Card
Pink Blossoms And Serenity Verse Greeting Card by RaintreeDesigns
Create personalized cards online at Zazzle.

If you have been coping with pain, stress, depression and emotional issues sometimes you need someone to listen

If you can talk to family members or friends then that is good but for many people, this is difficult to do or they may not have that level of support and it can be easier to talk through things with a trained professional. 

If you ever feel worried, anxious, suicidal or depressed, or just plain fed up with coping with it all do not sit there feeling you have to go through it alone.
There are helplines to listen and advise you. Do look up the ones available in your country so they are ready should you ever need their help and support.

Stress, Anxiety and Depression Support lines - For when you need support dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression.

  • UK Supportline
    SupportLine provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. The Helpline is primarily a preventative service and aims to support people before they reach the point of crisis. 

  • The Stress Confidential Helpline
    The Stress Confidential Helpline Home Page states; "The Stress, Anxiety, Depression Confidential Helpline site is dedicated to the 340 million brave men, women and children in homes throughout the globe who courageously struggle each day

  • The Samaritans UK
    Information taken from the Samaritans website. Samaritans provides confidential emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. 

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Meditation, Music And Relaxation Reducing Stress Of Back Pain

Reeds by water

Relaxation is vital to reduce stress

Sometimes it can just help to get some " me" time and to listen to beautiful music and relax.
Sit or lie down or whatever is comfortable for you, put on some peaceful music, whatever you like, make sure you are warm enough and just listen and go with the music. If troublesome thoughts come in just let them go, you can deal with them later,(I imagine them passing away on a cloud) just for now you can r-e-l-a-x.
Some people will want to take this further and meditate and this can be very helpful as well in dealing with stress.
Meditation has so many forms and some are linked to religious beliefs, some are not. In brief and a basic interpretation is that meditation is a relaxed concentration on an object, sound, thought, etc and is a mind/body/spirit experience.

Some meditations demand certain postures and if you follow these you need to be the judge if you can do them with a back condition. Personally, I prefer to go with what is comfortable for me.

Meditation, relaxation, breathing, healing music for stress, anxiety and depression

The power of stress relief through music is underrated.
Relaxation can be hard to do with back and sciatic pain
Get some help with relaxing here...its wonderful :)

Regular daily relaxation and /or meditation is the most beneficial. 

How long depends on you and what time you have, I find about half an hour to an hour is wonderful when I have the time or I feel I "need" it. 

Otherwise even just 15 minutes of listening and relaxing to music is helpful. 

Reducing Stress With The Power Of Breathing- Breathing To Relax

Of course, we all breathe every second of every day without thinking about it, but controlled breathing helps reduce stress, relax, calm and release muscle tension, which can be helpful if you are in pain.

Deep rhythmic breathing can help to bring down stress levels and relax the body. It can calm and relax you and you may find it can help with pain relief.

Sit or lie quietly for a few minutes and breathe normally. Try to quiet your mind, if thoughts come in just observe them and let them go.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold for a few seconds and then let it out through your mouth; when you think it is all out contract your stomach muscles and push it further out. Then repeat. Do this for about 1 minute to start with and very gradually build up the time. 

Lavender field

Always stop if you even start to feel slightly dizzy and just resume normal breathing. As you get used to this deeper breathing, hopefully, you will feel less stressed and calmer.

You can build up to deep breathing like this for longer periods of time but start off slow and for very short periods only.

***Important If you have breathing difficulties, heart/lung issues or respiratory problems/asthma or any serious health issues please do not do this deep breathing exercise until you have checked and cleared it with your doctor first.***

Advantages of doing this breathing are that it can be done anywhere any time you are feeling tense, anxious or stressed and doesn't cost you anything.

Can be particularly helpful before and during medical examinations, MRI scans, etc if you find them stressful to help calm you down.

You may be interested in these related posts about managing stress.

Many fears are born of fatigue and gentle with yourself 

Beach scene

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.

Saturday 24 October 2015

How To Reduce Stress With Knowledge Of Back Pain.

Bench by Pond

Fear about health issues can lead to worry, stress and anxiety.

If you feel stressed about your health or any other reason in your life find out all you can about it. 

Don't scare yourself but get used to asking questions of the professionals working with you.
I imagined my back pain was all manner of very serious conditions.
Imagination out of control is WORRY. Worry never gets us anywhere.
Pain can certainly grind you down so you are tired and we may retreat from help. Decide to get support when you need it- friends, family, a good pain discussion forum, whatever helps you to feel empowered. You deserve it!

Many fears are born of fatigue and gentle with yourself. 

Ask For Help. 

If you don't understand their medical terms or they use abbreviations you have never heard of ask them.
Build up your knowledge so that you become a proactive partner in the discussions and decisions about your body rather than a passive patient.

It's YOUR body, make sure you understand what is happening so YOU can be a proactive partner in your care and treatment.
Read good articles. You will feel more in control and more empowered which is good for your emotional and mental health.

Always remember: No one cares about your body like you do.

Get Informed -Reduce Stress - Replace fear, anxiety, stress and worry with questions, action and determination.


Gain control: Ensure you understand the diagnosis and prognosis of back condition and the pros and cons of every treatment option.

ALWAYS keep searching for your solution


If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.

Friday 2 October 2015

Massage And Reiki For Back Pain And Stress Reduction

Towel in heart shape

Massage Therapy And Stress Reduction

If you find a good massage therapist and it is safe for your condition it may well help back pain and stress.

 Massage therapy can work on many levels if you have a good therapist. It can be a time for you, a time for pampering and healing.

There are different massages you can have from sports massage for injury to a nice pampering massage just for relaxation. Best to discuss your needs with a qualified, insured massage therapist first. 
If done with oils it can help you on an emotional level as well eg lavender is calming, jasmine can help lift anxiety and depression, neroli is a sedative and antidepressant, helping with anxiety, shock and insomnia. These are simply examples.
Please consult with a qualified aromatherapist if you want to use oils for therapeutic reasons.
It can also help with some back pain and sciatica as part of your strategy but you must check the massage therapist is competent and experienced in working with back pain.
Always discuss your symptoms and condition with them first and check that they are confident working with you. Ensure they are qualified and certified.

Even if you don't want to go for a massage a simple hand massage you can do yourself just with a pre-blended massage oil for relaxation can be very soothing.
There is more to life than increasing its speed.
MK. Gandhi

Reiki :Stress Reduction

Reiki is an ancient healing method that has been known to help many people complimenting more traditional methods.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key)is an ancient healing method, sometimes described as a laying on of hands method. It is to do with the transfer of healing energy through the giver to the receiver.
Reiki can help with physical and emotional wellbeing and should be carried out by a qualified practitioner. Reiki can help to center, calm and relax you, help with pain and improve health.
I have received wonderful relaxing Reiki treatments and went on to study Reiki One and Reiki Two practitioner level. I enjoy giving and receiving Reiki and find it very relaxing.
People receiving treatment usually sit or lie down in a comfortable position and except taking shoes off remain fully clothed. It is better as the receiver of Reiki if you wear relaxed comfortable clothing.
Reiki may also in some cases be given as part of or after a massage.

It can be helpful where massage may be too much or where you cannot bear to be touched much due to pain.  

People with certain conditions should not receive Reiki, please check with any qualified, insured practitioner before you book a session.
In the case of illness, you should always consult your healthcare provider. Reiki may be used as a complementary or additional form of treatment.

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Ease Back Pain And Reduce Stress With Water Therapy.

Stress Reduction With Water Therapy.

Water scene

Water therapy can be great to help with back issues and stress. 

Regular daily exercises can be a great stress reducer and improve your overall mood. If you are able to exercise without it exacerbating your pain or symptoms or hindering your condition then your mood and emotions will benefit as well.
The problem for many people with back pain and sciatica symptoms is that sometimes the pain is too much to do regular exercise and so the stress builds up.
Before I got back pain I was used to walking miles each day with my dog and also doing a lot of gardening which was both great physical exercise for me and necessary as my job is very sedentary.
However, when I was in the worst throes of back pain I couldn't even walk across a room without pain.
However, if you first get clearance from a healthcare professional water therapy can be a great exercise for back pain sufferers. It is gentle, supportive of your body, no impact and gives you exercise and a "feel good " factor as well, especially if you also can go in the hot tub!
The idea is to just move in the water walking, floating, moving your arms and legs, etc. You do not need to swim. Water therapy can, if safe for you benefit both mind and body, relaxing you and helping you feel better emotionally as well as physically.
Both my neurosurgeon and Steve Hefferon from the Healthy Back Institute recommended that I do water exercise two to three times a week.
Do check with your doctor/healthcare provider though as not everyone with back pain will be suited to water therapy.


Reduce Stress and Sciatica With Water Therapy


If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.