
Monday 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Wishing you all A Lovely Christmas time and a very happy and healthy New Year !

Friday 15 November 2013

Gift Ideas For People With Back Pain

Well its what 6  weeks or 5 weeks to Christmas ! No surely not . Anyway although I really don't usually think much about it before December I am trying to be more organised this year so have started buying pressies :) 

This led me to think about buying useful presents. I want to get things that people will actually use and find helpful. These days more than ever we don't want presents to say how thats nice then put it away. We want it to be of value, of use to them. 

So I am thinking with people with back pain in mind there are things that can help us a lot that we may not always buy for ourselves.

So if you are present buying for a person with back pain or if you have back pain and want to point a loved one in the right direction for something to get for you  please take a look at his page which has some ideas you may find helpful  (Apologies link temporarily unavailable) 

 If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Should You Stay In Bed If You Have Back Pain ?

When you have back pain its pretty tempting to stay in bed. However unless you have been medically advised to stay in bed it is not generally the best thing to do !

When we remain still and stay in bed for a long time our muscles become weak and atrophy and get stiff. This in itself can cause or lead to further pain. 

Bed rest used to be advised for back pain but not so much now. My physio and neurosurgeon and massage therapist all advised me to move gently. By all means if you are in a lot of pain it may be helpful to stay in bed for a day, maybe two but any longer and you could be on your way to lengthening your recovery time.

If you really feel you cannot get out of bed or it is agony to move at all then you need to seek medical help. 

Otherwise some gentle movement taking it easy but keeping the muscles moving and warm can be better.  

Clearly always take medical advice for your specific condition and circumstances. 

Do consider this free book called the 7 Day Back Pain Cure which educates about the back , discusses causes of back pain, possible treatments and pain relief. Click here for your free copy of the 7 Day Back Pain Cure. (small s/h charge)

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Back Pain Treatments-Opinion Or Experience?

Path through summer forest

You know often when you are looking around for something its interesting to ask others views and experiences.

I asked two people recently about the same city I am intending to visit-one loved it and one hated it. I tried to look at those people and see how close they were to me in what they liked to do and what I like to do and came to the conclusion we are all different.

 Guess I'll have to make my own mind up after I experience it...and in my opinion that goes for back pain solutions too.

You need to ask questions, get views from others who have tried back pain treatments, medical opinions and expertise, read all you can, look at testimonials and then and this is important - make your own judgement based on your knowledge of YOU, your back pain and your experiences. If you don't do that you may miss your solution.

If I had listened to everyone I would never have found my back pain solution. Most of my family except my husband thought I should go for back surgery. I did not want back surgery. I thought there must be another way for me.

The doctor said it wasn't urgent I had surgery (I didn't have any of the "Red Flags") However, if I didn't have surgery I would have to just live with pain. I admit I was terrified of back surgery but I also knew I was not getting any better with all the things I had tried-physio/osteo/acupuncture on and on the list goes....Anyway I gave myself 3 months while I was waiting for my appointment with the neurosurgeon to see if I could find another way.

Once I had started the lose the back pain exercise system and people saw me making progress people then said I did the right thing. I discussed the exercises with my neurosurgeon and he said that they made sense for me, were doing me good and I should keep going with them and do water therapy to compliment and that he saw no need for surgery at this time. He said if the pain recurred or I started getting worse again we could review it. Happy to say so far that has not been necessary.

Conversely a friend of mine had to have urgent surgery as she was having a "red flag" of bladder issues with her back pain and she was glad she had the surgery. Her surgery was successful. She does water therapy and exercises as her post surgery rehab and a year on is doing really well with no pain.

My uncle had back surgery and it did not work well. Still in pain, still not living his life. Needing more surgery...

Someone else I know has physiotherapy and acupuncture and is doing well with those. They did not work for me at all, in fact some of the exercises I was given by the physio made me much worse, the acupuncture helped with pain but only short term- but for her they are working.

Different issues different needs. Its complicated and its individual. I have also read that there is often an emotional or psychological backdrop to back pain which needs to be taken into account as well. More on that later....

So it is so important you do try different methods and you do record how they affect you and then you will see what is right for you . By all means listen to what others have to say but think and experience things for yourself.

I think most back pain forums are wonderful supportive and useful places and if you have back pain or sciatica they can be a great source of information and support and relieve the isolation. However, from my experience they do come with a cautionary note. Often you will find one person will say something did not work for them, another says it works then sometimes an argument ensues. 

The thing is both are correct in their experiences.

The only thing I would say is try to ensure if they followed the therapy/exercises/product advice properly, asked for support if they didn't understand anything., actually did the therapy/exercises/product and gave it at least a month or so to work.

These quotes say it better than I can

"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion."

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth"

"We hardly find any persons of good sense save those who agree with us."

We do know that not every back pain solution is right for every person/condition. I had many treatments which did not work for me.

Does that mean they will not work for anyone...of course not.

What worked for me was "Lose the back Pain" plus water therapy and heat. I have no way of knowing if that will work for you, I can only tell you my experiences and the facts as I know them as with other things I mention here. You can click here to find out more about the Lose The Back Pain System. 

However what every successful treatment should address is the symptoms and the root cause of the pain. Do one or the other and the results may not be long lasting. If you only mask the pain and you will not get to the root cause. It may well take a combination of things to work for you.

Try what feels right to you, give it a fair trial( a minimum of a month or better 2 months for herbal or vitamin based treatments or an exercise based program- I only started getting results after 3 weeks so I would have missed out if I had sent it back after a week or two). Strengthening exercises generally take around 3 weeks to kick in so you need to give it time.

If it is possible to get it on a money back guarantee all the better-unfortunately most treatments I had didn't do this except lose the back pain.

Keep a record of how the treatment /medication/surgery / whatever ,affects you and stay in control.

Of course that's only My opinion :} You will need to have your own experiences of whatever you try.

A good free book you can get which talks about a lot of different treatments- some you may not have heard of or been discussed with you is "7 Day Back Pain Cure" its free (small s/h charge) so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

My advice is get as educated as you can about your body and your back then you are in a much better position to judge for yourself what is right for you.   

Wishing you good health Hugs:) If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Monday 16 September 2013

Arthritis Book

Arthritis is close to my heart as my Mum suffered with it for years.....Normally I don't use the word "suffered " for any illness or condition as I feel it is a victim type mentality and not powerful and we need to be powerful to tackle pain. However, having watched my Mum in so much pain for so long and her drs not really being able to help her that much I know she did suffer... So when I come across anything that might be helpful to people going through the pain of arthritis , I feel its important to share it as who knows if it might be the thing to make a difference !   

 Most of all do get a copy of the  Arthritis Reversed book. Reverse arthritis?? Really ? 

Yes it does seem a big claim but the people recommending this book are the same guys that helped me sooo much with my back and sciatic pain that Drs said I would have to "live with back and sciatic pain or have surgery".  I followed their back pain system with support and I never had surgery and I am mostly pain free from my back. So there is a high level of trust there for me...

This informative book considers a more holistic view of arthritis with internal and external factors taken into account with the authors training in conventional and alternative medicines. Perhaps the authors understanding is because he himself has also suffered chronic pain....and found how to resolve it. 

Reading the book i would say that in a solution focussed way it explores understanding the causes of your pain and how to reduce your symptoms, preventing flare ups and stopping the painful progression working towards the solution to your pain.

Some of the issues and solutions it covers are  myths about arthritis, types of arthritis, and mistakes we make. It discusses how inflammation keeps you from healing and how food is important. Of course stress and emotions play a part in illness and the book explains how 3 hidden imbalances can cause arthritis. 

The book also discusses food for pain and inflammation, natural supplements and topical creams for arthritis relief along with exercises and stress reduction, relaxation and sleep - often overlooked vital factors in healing. Interestingly it tackles how a positive attitude influences things and how to set goals for success. 

To learn more about it CLICK HERE NOW TO GET “ARTHRITIS REVERSED” book

8 Foods to Avoid with Arthritis

If you have arthritis, you’re probably all too familiar with the pain, swelling and joint stiffness characteristic of this disease. With osteoarthritis, the most common form, which impacts 27 million Americans, this pain is the result of the breakdown of cartilage in the joint itself, often from accumulated wear and tear.
With rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that impacts an estimated 2 million Americans, chronic inflammation of the joints leads to pain, stiffness and swelling.
You may have already realized that certain foods cause a flare-up of your symptoms, and if so, rest assured it’s not all in your head. Science shows that certain foods do indeed impact the progression of this disease. The foods that follow are among them, impacting arthritis significantly — and not in a good way.

Top 8 Foods To Avoid With Arthritis

8. Empty Calories
Jelly beans, energy drinks, pastries, fruit drinks, and cakes are examples of empty calories, foods that contain little or no nutritional value, but which can easily add more inches to your waistline. Excess weight increases the load placed on your joints, which may not only speed the breakdown of cartilage, but also may make joint pain and swelling worse.
Further, fat tissue in your body releases pro-inflammatory chemicals, such as cytokines, which can influence the development of arthritis. Losing even a small amount of weight may have a beneficial impact on your risk of developing arthritis, as well as your current symptoms.
7. Gluten
Although a formal link has yet to be established, joint pain is a common symptom described by people with gluten sensitivity, or gluten intolerance. In people who are sensitive, gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, may provoke an innate immune response that may trigger symptoms such as joint pain hours or days after the gluten is consumed.
To find out if gluten may be contributing to your arthritis symptoms, eliminate it from your diet for 2 weeks, then slowly reintroduce them and watch for any symptom flare-ups.
6. Nightshade Vegetables
Nightshade vegetables, including potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and tobacco, contain calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D that may lead to calcium deposits in soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage and joints if overconsumed.[i] This may cause or contribute to inflammation and joint pain, particularly in those who are sensitive. As with gluten, an elimination diet can help you determine if nightshade vegetables are problematic for you.
5. Vegetable Oils (Common in Processed Foods and Fast Foods)
Soybean, corn, peanut, safflower and sunflower oils are examples of vegetable oils that are rich in omega-6 fats, which most Americans consume far too much of. It’s not only a matter of the oil you use for cooking at home … far more so it’s the vegetable oils added to just about every processed food that end up being a problem.
Eating too many of these omega-6 fats may increase inflammation in your body, which may make your arthritis symptoms worse.
4. Refined Carbs
Do you notice that your joints seem achier when you’ve been eating a lot of muffins, bagels, cookies, doughnuts or pasta? This may be because these refined carbs lead to spikes in your blood sugar and insulin, and in turn increase body-wide inflammation significantly
3. Synthetic Trans Fats
You should limit your intake of trans fats, common in partially hydrogenated oils, as much as possible. Trans fats are strongly linked to systemic, chronic inflammation, which is at the root of many arthritis symptoms. Common foods that contain trans fats include savory snacks (like microwave popcorn), fried foods, frozen pizzas, cake, cookies, pie, margarines and spreads, ready-to-use frosting, and coffee creamers.
2. Blackened and Barbecued Foods
Foods cooked at high temperatures – including char-broiled, blackened, barbecued, fried, etc. – often contain harmful byproducts of the cooking process called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are highly inflammatory and can damage your tissues, making your arthritis worse.
1. Soda
Harvard researchers recently revealed that the more sugary soda men with knee osteoarthritis drink, the more likely the condition is to get worse. Even though increased consumption of soda is linked to weight gain, a known risk factor for osteoarthritis, the link was true regardless of the men’s weight.
This suggests the soda itself may be responsible for worsening the arthritis, although a cause-and-effect link has not been proven.

Do YOU Have Arthritis?

If you or someone you love suffers from arthritis, Dr. Mark Wiley’s new book called ARTHRITIS REVERSED is a “must read” 
Despite what the conventional medical industry would have you believe, you really CAN overcome arthritis for good (and all the suffering that comes with it), and in the clearest, easiest-to-understand way Dr. Wiley lays out exactly how to do so… 


If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System

Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Overcoming Obstacles

Sunset beach scene
Overcoming obstacles

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances."

Bruce Barton

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Making A Bed With Back Issues

If you have back pain ideally you will have someone else to make your bed for you. However I know that is not always possible or practical for many people. Here are a few tips that may make it just that bit easier for you.

 Do of course check with your doctor if you wonder if you should be doing this at all. 

If you are currently experiencing moderate to severe back or sciatic pain, or have recently had surgery or are advised by your healthcare professional NOT to do this activity then do get someone else to do it for you. Likewise if you have even mild pain and find this aggravates it  get help to make your bed. It is not worth aggravating any pain. 

If someone can only help you once every couple of weeks ask them to put on two bottom sheets. that way after one week you can remove one of the bottom sheets and the one underneath is still clean for you.  Equally they can put a top sheet on for you and a quilt cover then you can just remove the top sheet and be clean and fresh for a further week. 

If you can buy deep pocketed fitted stretchy bottom sheets. These fit over the bed so much easier and reduce the need for pulling or tugging to get sheets to fit. 

Choose lightweight bedding and lightweight duvets. You do not want to be dragging around heavy bedding. You can always add layers of comforters if you need them. 

Unless you have someone to do your ironing choose bedding that does not require ironing. It is one less stress for your back. 

Do not lean over the bed, rather walk around gently adjusting as you go.

Do not go for a complicated bedding arrangement - just a bottom sheet and blanket or duvet cover is fine. Reduces the need for you to be spending time and energy making the bed.

Keep your back straight, bend your knees.

Make the bed in stages, it does not have to be done in one go. Do the bottom sheet then rest or do your stretches then do a bit more and so on. 

If you have back pain exercises always warm up by doing your recommended exercises before you start. 

As always if you have any back concerns do check with your healthcare professional what you should and should not be doing in terms of activities before you do them. 

Let us know any of your tips in the comments. 

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Monday 9 September 2013

Sometimes You Just Hurt...

Blue sky with clouds

"Sometimes when you are hurting be it physically or emotionally - the only thing to do is know that it will pass and rejoice in the fact that the people you love are OK"

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Extreme Orthopedic Seat Cushion

I recently came across this amazing cushion and wanted to let you know about it.  If you have any sort of pain which makes sitting literally a pain for you this may well be worth considering.

 It is great for anyone with pain to make sitting more comfortable and more specifically for people who do require sitting pain relief and serious comfort to make sitting a much easier and better experience.

 It has very supportive wondergel or intelli-gel and keeps its shape being very durable. The washable cover is black so is practical and can fit in anywhere. 

At the time of writing this product has got an average of 4 stars on Some people have said it takes a little while to get used to it but then it is lovely. 

People have also said that they were far more comfortable on the Extreme Orthopedic Seat Cushion than the original version.

There are many many reviews on so see what you think if this would help you. 

28.2.24 Apologies original link no longer available. Please see alternative seat cushions on Amazon

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Friday 5 July 2013

Why I Love My Freedom Back Cushion!

I love my Freedom Back Support Cushion. In fact I like it so much I have two of them!  I usually keep one at my computer chair for when i am at the computer and the other one is more mobile and has gone everywhere from friends homes, the car, the sofa, cafes and restaurants - you name it!

It is just right for me as it is supportive in a firm way. It is not squishy and cosy but rather well supported , comfortable and secure. It is ideal for me to keep a good posture when i am sitting.

It is important if you have any sort of back or sciatic pain to maintain a great posture yet it is not easy to do all the time. 

Especially if you are tired your posture tends to go. Then you are setting yourself up for more problems. However unlike a back brace which will keep your posture - but weakens your muscles- the Freedom Back Cushion will help good posture and keep your muscles good too.

An added feature I adore is the massage function- check the model for the one with the massage function if you want this. You need batteries for this but its really great to be just sitting doing whatever and having a lovely gentle massage at the same time!

This Freedom Back Cushion  has so many great features you can read about them all at Amazon  

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Back Spasms ! Ouch!!!

My Back Spasm Pain !
woman kneeling down to look at flowers
So Monday morning I  was drying my hair and a sudden sharp incredible pain shot through my back on the right hand side! Where did that come from? Well I was in agony, my back was in spasm! When I realised what had happened I knew I had to get started on treatment. 

I knew to stop any activity and to sit or lie down and rest the muscles. It is important not to tense other muscles -although that is easier said than done. anyone who has ever had a back spasm knows how incredibly painful they can be. 

I could not move with out severe pain -any movement caused my back muscle to go into a massive spasm! So although i am not a big fan of pain meds I had to get some anti inflammatories to help me. 

From my experience of back pain and my back and its reactions I now know to always do ICE for the first 2 days -to help reduce inflammation and give some relief during a spasm. So I grabbed my ice pack which has sat in the freezer for years now and got that on to the painful area.

I lay down and elevated my legs to reduce pressure on my back. 

During a spasm I did deep breathing to try to ease the pain to relax the muscle. 

So what is a Back Spasm?

Any type of abnormal, involuntary contraction of a muscle. Essentially the muscle carries on in spasm rather than relaxing. It most often occurs when muscles are tired, overworked, overused or when they are weak or injured. It can also be a problem when muscles are held in one position for too long maybe doing a repetitive activity for too long a time. They can also be related to being dehydrated.

So why did I get a back spasm? 

Well I know that I have a herniated disc and that can leave you more predisposed to back spasms. In addition having Spinal stenosis, spondylolysis or spondylolistheses or  arthritis of the spine can make you more likely to get back spasms. 

In addition it had been a few -rare- lovely sunny days and I think i had been overdoing it out side in the garden- sudden activity that you are not used to can create back spasms. Had I been drinking enough water? Probably not....

A sudden push or pull movement can also cause them or a repetitive sport like golf, tennis or squash which can be over use or straining of those muscles. If you have just started a new sport and using muscles you have not used before that can also contribute. 

Lack of warming up the muscles properly before any form of exercises can send muscles into spasm too, I really should have warmed up before my gardening activity!

Even in normal everyday activities reaching for something on a shelf stretching to pass an item to someone else can create enough stress to upset the muscles in the back in some cases. 

What Next?

Today two days on from the incident, I am switching to HEAT  so that is where I am now heat on my back and being careful in my movements. Heating pads like these  Electric Heating Pads are useful for this purpose. The spasms are starting to ease off. They are already less painful when they occur. 

I need to be very aware of keeping good posture when walking about, sitting etc. I will keep applying heat now to my back to help relax the muscles. I will not do any major activity but I will not just sit all day. When I am moving around I will use these Therma care heat wraps for my back 

After pretty much resting for 2 days which is what you need to do for muscle spasms at first,  now it is good for me to move around a little  just gentle walking around to my comfort levels. While rest is important initially  and is one of the few times when with back pain you do need to just rest only for a couple of days then start very gentle movement again. 

Then when I feel up to it I will start a little gentle stretching exercises from my Lose The Back Pain system.

I will also learn that I still need to warm up muscles before any activity!! Having not had back pain for quite a long time I had got lax and over confident - but I have learnt my lesson!!!

Will I be carrying on gardening? Yes of course! Well when I have fully recovered that is....However I will be much more careful and do proper warm up and cool down and keep up with my lose the back pain stretches - like I used to and not overdo it , and drink more water so I don't get dehydrated :)

Just a word of warning.

IF you are experiencing back spasms for the first time or the spasms get worse or more painful, or are unbearable pain, you have a temperature, are losing bladder or bowel control or have pains that are going down your legs, lose any feeling anywhere or are just not getting better or you have a prior medical condition - do consult your healthcare professional.

Do not let it go on for too long. Please read Red Flags And Back Pain It could be a symptom of other things and needs to be checked out by a doctor. 

Hopefully in most cases the pain will ease and with time and gentle movement and good stretching you will feel better. 

Help Available 

If you are experiencing any kind of back pain or want to learn how to avoid back pain do take a look at this 7 day Back pain Cure Free Book by the Healthy Back Institute . It explains how and why you can get back or sciatic pain, possible treatment options and pain relief amongst other lifestyle advice and lots of helpful suggestions.   

The Lose The Back pain System is such a help to me. It covers a self assessment to identify  your issues(with help if you need support to do this)  and you follow specific corrective exercises for you to do in the privacy of your own home to help you. There is also personal email or tel support from The Healthy Back Institute which is invaluable. In my experience Invaluable for help with sciatic or back pain. 

Anti inflammatories are sometimes required as well - not in all cases of a spasm but yes sometimes. You may get these from your doctor if he or she thinks you need them but be aware there can be side effects so you do need to ask about that or you can try a more natural non drug approach with the Heal and Sooth - click though to get more information on these all natural anti inflammatories. 

I do hope you never suffer a back spasm but if you do my thoughts are with you and I hope this was helpful to you.

Extra gentle hugs

If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Sciatica Solutions Facebook Page!

Please take a look at my brand new Facebook page Sciatica Solutions.
Two Swan towels

 Find loads of pages with hints, tips and suggestions to help with back and sciatic pain. 

Everything from travel, gardening, sleeping with sciatica, spine surgery and useful treatments.

 Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System
Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Why I Like A Full Support Body Pillow

I used to use pillows between my knees when lying on my side and under my knees when lying on my back but while they did the job I did find it frustrating as when I moved around in the night suddenly all my support was gone and I had to reposition the pillows yet again. This tended to lead to a somewhat disturbed night! 

With a full body pillow for  support - well it is just blissful.... You are cradled and supported and helps to align the spine and hips and in some cases the neck as well so your whole body is supported, comfortable and settled. It takes the pressure off my back and allows me to r-e-l-a-x and certainly leads towards a much more restful sleep. 

Yes it does take up room in the bed but that is a small issue and when you and your partner get a good nights sleep is soon forgotten! 

There are quite a few designs and different kinds of body pillow supports so please see the selection below.  There is nothing quite like a good, restful sleep.....

BATTOP Pregnancy Pillow for Sleeping

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For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.