
Monday 25 January 2010

The Ark Animal Rescue And Retirement Home

This post is not about back pain yet I hope it is a post to touch your heart, especially if you love animals. A little while ago I visited The Ark in Lincolnshire and found a place full of love and caring seldom found.

The Ark Animal Rescue And Retirement Home

The Ark care for animals, mainly cats and dogs but also small furries like rabbits who have lost their home. Some have been bereaved, some are found abandoned, others are victims of their owners financial difficulties. Some come from loving homes and are parted with, with heavy hearts, others are found wandering lost and lonely.

Some have a short stay at The Ark, and find another loving home to go to. For others it becomes their retirement home as some cannot be rehomed. They never put an animal down unless on veterinary advice.

The Ark was established in 1981, by Mrs Pauline Rice. Over the past 27 years, Pauline, and a dedicated group of helpers, has changed the lives of so many animals for the better.

At The Ark it is clear as soon as you walk around for a while that this is  a safe, protective, caring enviroment for the animals. Even, or rather especially the very old and the sick are loved and cared for.

The Ark is funded by donations and fundraising by a caring team of helpers who do everything they can, The attitude there is that the more money they can raise the more animals they can save, give necessary medical attention to and a better quality of life. Money is spent on food, veterinary care, housing and, when necessary, heating for the old and poorly.

It is the sort of place that stays with you long after your visit. The sort of place that drifts into your heart and that you want to tell people about. It is a place taking heartbreaking situations and turning them into a place of inspiration, love and hope.

Please visit their site and find out more about the work they do and if you are in a position to help, even a little, I know they appreciate it deeply.

Thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Happy 2010! Back Care In The Snow!

Snowy shrub
Hi everyone! I do hope you had a lovely time over the holidays.

Well we are now inundated with  heavy snow and ice! Where I live we are not used to prolonged periods of snow,; yes we get some snow every winter but it doesnt usually last very long. However, this looks set in for a while.

It is important if you have back issues to take extra care in snowy and slipperly icy weather. You really do not want to slip and jar your back or worse still fall. Also important not to strain your back either. So a few quick tips if you are coping with the snow and ice!

1. Walk carefully on snow and ice, wear shoes or boots with very good grips or invest in good quality shoe grippers designed for ice. I just got a pair and they are brilliant!

2. Ideally do not dig out the pavement or drive. If the snow is not too deep or just icy you can scatter salt or get someone else to do the digging out .

3.Keep your back warm. If your muscles tense up with the cold you may find you get more pain. Try a heat pad. Wear layers.

4.See if you can get your shopping delivered. Many stores do this service, depending on where you live. I find it invaluable as no need to drive or walk through snow and ice just to get food supplies.

So just a few tips. If you have anymore please let us know. If you liked this post do consider joining our Facebook Page Sciatica Solutions.

Lose The Back Pain System

Lose the Back Pain, is a system of self assessments to determine what physical imbalances you may have that may be causing your pain, then specific and targeted exercises to follow to address the imbalances, along with pain reduction strategies. 

For useful information and suggestions there is a Free Back Pain Book Written by the Healthy back Institute-

7 Day Back Pain Cure
This free book (there is a small shipping/handling fee for physical book) will give you a good starting point for taking back control of your back pain covering reasons for pain, pain relief, possible treatments, action plans and many other things you will find useful.
Follow Jasmine Ann Raintree's board Back And Sciatic Pain Strategies. on Pinterest.